 * @namespace
var Utils = {};

 * @member {object}
 * @memberof QueryBuilder
 * @see Utils
QueryBuilder.utils = Utils;

 * @callback Utils#OptionsIteratee
 * @param {string} key
 * @param {string} value
 * @param {string} [optgroup]

 * Iterates over radio/checkbox/selection options, it accept four formats
 * @example
 * // array of values
 * options = ['one', 'two', 'three']
 * @example
 * // simple key-value map
 * options = {1: 'one', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'}
 * @example
 * // array of 1-element maps
 * options = [{1: 'one'}, {2: 'two'}, {3: 'three'}]
 * @example
 * // array of elements
 * options = [{value: 1, label: 'one', optgroup: 'group'}, {value: 2, label: 'two'}]
 * @param {object|array} options
 * @param {Utils#OptionsIteratee} tpl
Utils.iterateOptions = function(options, tpl) {
    if (options) {
        if ($.isArray(options)) {
            options.forEach(function(entry) {
                if ($.isPlainObject(entry)) {
                    // array of elements
                    if ('value' in entry) {
                        tpl(entry.value, entry.label || entry.value, entry.optgroup);
                    // array of one-element maps
                    else {
                        $.each(entry, function(key, val) {
                            tpl(key, val);
                            return false; // break after first entry
                // array of values
                else {
                    tpl(entry, entry);
        // unordered map
        else {
            $.each(options, function(key, val) {
                tpl(key, val);

 * Replaces {0}, {1}, ... in a string
 * @param {string} str
 * @param {...*} args
 * @returns {string}
Utils.fmt = function(str, args) {
    if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
        args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);

    return str.replace(/{([0-9]+)}/g, function(m, i) {
        return args[parseInt(i)];

 * Throws an Error object with custom name or logs an error
 * @param {boolean} [doThrow=true]
 * @param {string} type
 * @param {string} message
 * @param {...*} args
Utils.error = function() {
    var i = 0;
    var doThrow = typeof arguments[i] === 'boolean' ? arguments[i++] : true;
    var type = arguments[i++];
    var message = arguments[i++];
    var args = Array.isArray(arguments[i]) ? arguments[i] : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, i);

    if (doThrow) {
        var err = new Error(Utils.fmt(message, args));
        err.name = type + 'Error';
        err.args = args;
        throw err;
    else {
        console.error(type + 'Error: ' + Utils.fmt(message, args));

 * Changes the type of a value to int, float or bool
 * @param {*} value
 * @param {string} type - 'integer', 'double', 'boolean' or anything else (passthrough)
 * @returns {*}
Utils.changeType = function(value, type) {
    if (value === '' || value === undefined) {
        return undefined;

    switch (type) {
        // @formatter:off
        case 'integer':
            if (typeof value === 'string' && !/^-?\d+$/.test(value)) {
                return value;
            return parseInt(value);
        case 'double':
            if (typeof value === 'string' && !/^-?\d+\.?\d*$/.test(value)) {
                return value;
            return parseFloat(value);
        case 'boolean':
            if (typeof value === 'string' && !/^(0|1|true|false){1}$/i.test(value)) {
                return value;
            return value === true || value === 1 || value.toLowerCase() === 'true' || value === '1';
        default: return value;
        // @formatter:on

 * Escapes a string like PHP's mysql_real_escape_string does
 * @param {string} value
 * @returns {string}
Utils.escapeString = function(value) {
    if (typeof value != 'string') {
        return value;

    return value
        .replace(/[\0\n\r\b\\\'\"]/g, function(s) {
            switch (s) {
                // @formatter:off
                case '\0': return '\\0';
                case '\n': return '\\n';
                case '\r': return '\\r';
                case '\b': return '\\b';
                default:   return '\\' + s;
                // @formatter:off
        // uglify compliant
        .replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
        .replace(/\x1a/g, '\\Z');

 * Escapes a string for use in regex
 * @param {string} str
 * @returns {string}
Utils.escapeRegExp = function(str) {
    return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&');

 * Escapes a string for use in HTML element id
 * @param {string} str
 * @returns {string}
Utils.escapeElementId = function(str) {
    // Regex based on that suggested by:
    // https://learn.jquery.com/using-jquery-core/faq/how-do-i-select-an-element-by-an-id-that-has-characters-used-in-css-notation/
    // - escapes : . [ ] ,
    // - avoids escaping already escaped values
    return (str) ? str.replace(/(\\)?([:.\[\],])/g,
            function( $0, $1, $2 ) { return $1 ? $0 : '\\' + $2; }) : str;

 * Sorts objects by grouping them by `key`, preserving initial order when possible
 * @param {object[]} items
 * @param {string} key
 * @returns {object[]}
Utils.groupSort = function(items, key) {
    var optgroups = [];
    var newItems = [];

    items.forEach(function(item) {
        var idx;

        if (item[key]) {
            idx = optgroups.lastIndexOf(item[key]);

            if (idx == -1) {
                idx = optgroups.length;
            else {
        else {
            idx = optgroups.length;

        optgroups.splice(idx, 0, item[key]);
        newItems.splice(idx, 0, item);

    return newItems;

 * Defines properties on an Node prototype with getter and setter.<br>
 *     Update events are emitted in the setter through root Model (if any).<br>
 *     The object must have a `__` object, non enumerable property to store values.
 * @param {function} obj
 * @param {string[]} fields
Utils.defineModelProperties = function(obj, fields) {
    fields.forEach(function(field) {
        Object.defineProperty(obj.prototype, field, {
            enumerable: true,
            get: function() {
                return this.__[field];
            set: function(value) {
                var previousValue = (this.__[field] !== null && typeof this.__[field] == 'object') ?
                    $.extend({}, this.__[field]) :

                this.__[field] = value;

                if (this.model !== null) {
                     * After a value of the model changed
                     * @event model:update
                     * @memberof Model
                     * @param {Node} node
                     * @param {string} field
                     * @param {*} value
                     * @param {*} previousValue
                    this.model.trigger('update', this, field, value, previousValue);