Plugins are used to extend the possibilities of QueryBuilder either by adding new public method or by modifying default behaviour.
Some plugins like Mongo support and SQL support don't require any configuration and are usable as
long as they are loaded. Other plugins must be manually activated with the plugins
option. This option
is an object where keys are plugin names and values are plugin configuration (or null
plugins: {
'bt-tooltip-errors': { delay: 100 },
'sortable': null
Below you can find the plugins shipped by default with QueryBuilder, with their identifiers.
Want to create a new plugin ? Check our developer doc.
Import/Export plugins
These plugins do not need to be initialized with the plugins
option. You can directly use the new
SQL export sql-support
Allows to export rules as a SQL WHERE statement.
New methods
.getSQL([mode [, linebreaks]])
Performs validation and returns the rules as a valid SQL WHERE statement. See the demo for output example. The first parameter can be:
false |
outputs plain SQL |
'question_mark' |
outputs prepared statement with ? placeholders |
'numbered' |
outputs prepared statement with numbered ($1 , $2 , ...) placeholders |
'named' |
outputs prepared statement with named (:id , :category , ...) placeholders |
'numbered([char])' |
outputs prepared statement with numbered placeholders with a custom prefix (one char only, example: numbered(@) ,
numbered(:) )
'named([char])' |
outputs prepared statement with named placeholders with a custom prefix (one char only, example: named(@) ,
named($) )
Set the second parameter to true
to enable new lines in output.
// prepared statements with question mark params
var sql_stmt = $('#builder').queryBuilder('getSQL', 'question_mark');
// prepared statement with custom named params
var sql_stmt_cust = $('#builder').queryBuilder('getSQL', 'named(@)');
// plan SQL with linebreaks
var sql_raw = $('#builder').queryBuilder('getSQL', false, true);
.setRulesFromSQL(sql [, mode])
Clears the builder and set new rules from an SQL query. This method requires SQLParser to be loaded. The second parameter is used to inform the parser which kind of prepared statements are used (if any).
// no statements
$('#builder').queryBuilder('setRulesFromSQL', 'author LIKE "%Tolkien%" AND publish_date BETWEEN "1954/01/01" AND "1956/01/01"');
// statements with question marks
$('#builder').queryBuilder('setRulesFromSQL', {
sql: 'author LIKE ? AND publish_date BETWEEN ? AND ?',
params: ['%Tolkien%', '1954/01/01', '1956/01/01']
}, 'question_mark');
// named statements
$('#builder').queryBuilder('setRulesFromSQL', {
sql: 'author LIKE :author AND publish_date BETWEEN :begin AND :end',
params: {
author: '%Tolkien%',
begin: '1954/01/01',
end: '1956/01/01'
}, 'named');
New events
Check the API documentation for the list of events added by this plugin.
<!-- SQLParser from -->
<script src="sql-parser-mistic/browser/sql-parser.js"></script>
The SQL plugin requires special configuration for operators to convert rules to a valid SQL query. This
configuration is stored in the sqlOperators
option, see the
source code for more details.
About filters' id
assumes that you have only one filter by database field.
If this is not the case, you can use the getSQLFieldID
changer to determine the filter's id.
MongoDB import/export mongodb-support
Allows to export rules as a MongoDB find object as well as populating the builder from a MongoDB object.
New methods
Performs validation and returns the rules as a valid MongoDB find object. See the demo for output example.
var mongo = $('#builder').queryBuilder('getMongo');
Clears the builder and set new rules from a MongoDB find object. The general rules syntax must be the same as
what getMongo
$('#builder').queryBuilder('setRulesFromMongo', { /* ... */ });
New events
Check the API documentation for the list of events added by this plugin.
The MongoDB module requires special configuration of operators to convert rules to a valid Mongo JSON and
vice-versa. This configuration is stored in the mongoOperators
and mongoRuleOperators
options, the keys are the operators types and the values are formatting functions, see
the source code for more details.
About filters' id
assumes that you have only one filter by database field.
If this is not the case, you can use the getMongoDBFieldID
changer to determine the filter's id.
The following export plugins are maintained by the community :
- Loopback by @fabien
- Elasticsearch by @piotch
New features
Sortable rules sortable
Enables drag & drop sort of rules and groups. It is based on interact.js to offer touch screen support.
The plugin also adds two new rule/group flags useable with setRules
method: no_sortable
and no_drop
<!-- interact.js -->
<script src="interact/dist/interact.min.js"></script>
Name | type | default | description |
icon | string | 'glyphicon glyphicon-sort' | The font-icon used as drag handle |
inherit_no_sortable | boolean | true | When a group is no_sortable , should its rules and sub-groups be no_sortable too. |
inherit_no_drop | boolean | true | When a group is no_drop , should its rules and sub-groups be no_drop too. |
disable_template | boolean | false | Do not alter the generated HTML, you must add a button with the
class="drag-handle" attribute yourself. |
New events
Check the API documentation for the list of events added by this plugin.
Filter description filter-description
Provides three ways to display a description about a filter: inline, Bootstrap Popover or Bootbox.
The description is defined in the description
attribute of each filter. It can be a string or a
function returning a string. The description can contain HTML.
filters: [{
/* .... */
description: 'This filter is <b>awesome</b> !'
}, {
/* .... */
description: function(rule) {
return 'The description for ' + (rule.operator ? rule.operator.type : 'anything');
<!-- Bootstrap CSS & JS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<!-- Bootbox JS (requires Bootstrap CSS & JS) -->
<script src="bootbox/bootbox.js"></script>
Name | type | default | description |
icon | string | 'glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign' | The font-icon used for the button |
mode | string | 'popover' | inline , popover or bootbox |
Unique filter unique-filter
Allows to define some filters as "unique": which can be used for only one rule, globally or in the same group.
The plugin adds a new filter attribute named unique
, set it to true
to define the
filter globally unique, or to group
to define the filter unique inside its group.
filters: [
/* .... */
unique: true // this filter can be used only once in the whole builder
/* .... */
unique: 'group' // this filter can be used only once in each group
Invert rules invert
Adds a button in each group & rule to easily "invert" a part of the builder, that means transform "AND" into "OR", "equal" into "not equal", and so on.
If a filter must never be inverted, set it's no_invert
option to true.
filters: [{
/* .... */
no_invert: true
New methods
Performs invertion programatically on the whole builder or on a particular Node. It also takes an optionnal object of behavioral options similar to the plugin's options.
This method is available even if the plugin is not initialized in the builder (plugins
// invert the whole builder with default options
// invert the whole builder with custom behavior
$('#builder').queryBuilder('invert', {
invert_rules: false,
silent_fail: true
// invert a particular Group with options
$('#builder').queryBuilder('invert', group, {/* ... */});
The plugin uses the operatorOpposites
and conditionOpposites
builder options to map
each condition/operator to its invert. You must update it if you add new operators and conditions. Set silent_fail
plugin option to false if one of your new condition/operator has no invert value.
Name | type | default | description |
icon | string | 'glyphicon glyphicon-random' | The font-icon used for the button |
recursive | boolean | true | Recursively invert conditions an operators |
invert_rules | boolean | true | Invert rules operators as well as groups conditions |
display_rules_button | boolean | false | Display the invert button for each rule (by default the button is only on groups) |
silent_fail | boolean | false | Do not throw an error when a condition or an operator has no invert defined |
disable_template | boolean | false | Do not alter the generated HTML, you must add a button with the
data-invert="rule" or data-invert="group" attribute yourself. |
New events
Check the API documentation for the list of events added by this plugin.
Not group not-group
Adds a checkbox in front of the group conditions to apply a NOT operator to the whole group. It differs
from the Invert rules plugin has it does not modify the conditions and operators but only add a
flag to the groups, it also only works on groups.
It comes with support for the SQL and MongoDB plugins.
New events
Name | Description & arguments |
afterUpdateGroupNot.queryBuilder | After the not flag of a group has been changed.
Name | type | default | description |
icon_unchecked | string | 'glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked' | The font-icon used for the button when not checked |
icon_checked | string | 'glyphicon glyphicon-check' | The font-icon used for the button when checked |
disable_template | boolean | false | Do not alter the generated HTML, you must add a button with the
data-not="group" attribute yourself. |
New events
Check the API documentation for the list of events added by this plugin.
Change filters change-filters
This plugin does not require initialization through the plugins
config. It adds new methods
to change the list of filters after builder initialization.
New methods
.setFilters([force,] filters)
Replace all filters by new ones. If a rule is using an old filter an error will be throw, unless you set the
first parameter to true
, in which case such rules will be deleted.
// change filters, might throw an error
$('#builder').queryBuilder('setFilters', [ /* ... */ ]);
// change filters and delete orphan rules
$('#builder').queryBuilder('setFilters', true, [ /* ... */ ]);
.addFilter(filter|filters [, position])
Adds one or more new filters at a specific position.
// add a filter at the end of the list
$('#builder').queryBuilder('addFilter', { /* ... */ });
// add a two filters at the begining of the list
$('#builder').queryBuilder('addFilter', [
{ /* ... */ },
{ /* ... */ },
], 0);
// add a filter after filter "name"
$('#builder').queryBuilder('addFilter', { /* ... */ }, 'name');
// add a filter at position 4
$('#builder').queryBuilder('addFilter', { /* ... */ }, 4);
.removeFilter(filterName|filtersNames [, force])
Removes one or more filters by their identifier.
// remove filter "name", might throw an error
$('#builder').queryBuilder('removeFilter', 'name');
// remove filters "name" and "age" and delete orphan rules
$('#builder').queryBuilder('removeFilter', ['name', 'age'], true);
New events
Check the API documentation for the list of events added by this plugin.
BT Tooltips for errors bt-tooltips-errors
Applies Bootstrap Tooltips on validation error messages.
<!-- Bootstrap CSS & JS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
All options supported by the tooltips plugin.
BT Selectpicker for filters/operators bt-selectpicker
Applies Bootstrap Select on filters and operators combo-boxes.
Also supports the usage of font-icons for filters and operators with the icon
filters: [
id: 'filter-1',
icon: 'glyphicon glypicon-heart'
operators: [
type: 'equal',
icon: 'glyphicon glypicon-heart'
<!-- Bootstrap Select CSS & JS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-select/dist/css/bootstrap-select.min.css">
<script src="bootstrap-select/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
All options supported by the selectpicker plugin.
Chosen for filters/operators chosen-selectpicker
Applies Chosen on filters and operators combo-boxes.
This plugin cannot be enabled at the same as bt-selectpicker
<!-- Chosen CSS & JS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="chosenjs/chosen.min.css">
<script src="chosenjs/chosen.jquery.min.js"></script>
All options supported by Chosen.
Awesome BT Checkbox bt-checkbox
Applies Awesome Bootstrap Checkbox
to checkbox
and radio
The input color (all 6 Bootstrap colors) can be configured globally but also per-filter or even per-value with
the colors
filter attribute.
filters: [
/* .... */
input: 'checkbox',
color: 'primary' // same color for each checkbox
/* .... */
input: 'radio',
colors: { // different color for each radio
0: 'danger',
1: 'success'
<!-- Awesome Bootstrap Checkbox CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="awesome-bootstrap-checkbox/awesome-bootstrap-checkbox.css">
Name | type | default | description |
color | string | 'default' | Default color, one of the six Bootstrap "colors" |
font | string | 'glyphicons' | glyphicons or fontawesome |